Karolina Kaszuba Personal Dev Blog

Why we need URL encoding?

May 02, 2021

Why we need URL encoding?

URL encoding converts unsafe characters into a valid ASCII character-set, which is a format that can be transmitted over the Internet. The unsafe characters are e.g. non-latin letters and spaces. These characters need to be replaced with their UTF-8 codes, e.g. space is replaced with %20, question mark is replaced with %3F, @ is replaced with %40 etc.

URL encoding functions

To URL encode or decode the string you can use built-in javascript global functions:

  • encodeURI() - we use it on a whole URL string, it encodes special characters except:
    - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) # ; , / ? : @ & = + $
  • decodeURI() - decodes it back
  • encodeURIComponent() - we use it on a part of the URL such as a query string / search parameter, a hash, or a pathname, which are components of a URL, it encodes special characters except:
    - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )
  • decodeURIComponent() - decodes it back
Reminder » URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier, which is a string that refers to a resource. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which is a special type of identifier that also tells you how to access it, such as HTTP, SMTP, FTP, e.g. a link to a web page, a CSS document or an image. So actually URI is a more general term than URL, and each URL is also a URI.
Playground » Paste in some url or just a string of characters to see which characters are replaced. You can choose the encoding function.


We can use URL encoding while sending web form data

We need to encode not only a URL or a URL component. The user-entered fields sent from a web form to the server can also be URL encoded. There are three encoding types of forms (enctype attribute), but only the first one uses URL encoding:

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded - the default, data that is submitted using this type of form is URL encoded; you don’t actually need to write enctype in the <form> element because it is the default
  • multipart/form-data - when the user needs files to be uploaded to the server, data is not URL encoded
  • text/plain - the newest type introduced in HTML5, sends the data without any encoding

application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

The data entered via a web form is submitted to the server using a POST request, in which body (i.e. data) is URL encoded. You can also see the content type in the request headers.

Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

The data is encoded just like with encodeURIComponent() function but there is one difference. The space is encoded as a + sign and not %20 (for historical reasons).


The URL encoded body looks very similar to query string parameters in a URL, both are transferred to the server in this format: key1=value1&key2=value2

In Node.js when you want the incoming request data to be parsed you can use a built-in middleware Express function express.urlencoded(), or a 3rd party body parsing middleware bodyParser.urlencoded() in order to get access to the data in req.body object in the format of key: value:

  email: "hello@example.pl",
  pass: "pa$$word",
  feeling: "I fill great",

Then you can write the data to the database or process it the way you want.

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Written by Karolina Kaszuba - Software Developer and Designer who lives and works in a beautiful city of Gdańsk, Poland.